Saturday, May 4, 2013

Childhood Artwork


Was at my Dad's house. My family & I were strolling down memory lane as we sorted through Dad's possessions for him, he is about to make a major life shift. Many of us will be at this type of crossroad soon enough. Nice to have us all working together with my sis Sylvia Scruggs Colbert at the helm.

Among the photos, floppy disks, music tapes and other old school treasures we came upon this little bit of artwork I did in junior high or perhaps a bit earlier. Warm memories of childhood edged forward and I was touched that dear Dad kept it all these years.

It is made up of thousands of pieces of food color dyed rice-- meticulously placed by me with a toothpick and a dab of Elmer's glue. Whoah! I mean this required a lot of patience, geez! I still like working with teeny tiny bits. SMH.....

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