This week I am making a small experimental piece using the extra laser cut samples. Part of the challenge was understanding how to use Adobe Illustrator. I started by drawing a scoring/ cutting template using AutoCAD and then I saved it as an EPS file. Then I was able to open the file in illustrator. The laser cutting machine interfaces with ai files and PDF files. You have to put the lines to be scored on its own layer and the lines to be cut are on a second layer. As you can see, a lot of planning has to go into this process!
I wanted to see how I could use scoring to help me locate items to be fused to a background peace. In addition I wanted to use scoring as a guide for sewing seams.I am learning a lot as I go -- even the mistakes are quite useful.
I won't go into excessive detail here… i may write an article about this experience. But please take a look at the images you see above.
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